The Full Story
A community and a social enterprise.
Featured on Forbes, Forbes Africa, BellaNaija, AfroTech, and more.
Founded in 2020, Naija Comm is an award-winning global brand and
media company, social enterprise, and community dedicated to
supporting the Nigerian creative community and overall uplifting the
African creator economy by providing them with resources/opportunities
to flourish.
NC is here to break barriers while challenging stigmas and shifting narratives.
Our platform highlights people and their work, share job opportunities, provide
networking events, giveaways, giveback initiatives, and more.
We've had various guest speakers, including Erica Ogwumike (Olympian
basketball player), Olly Sholotan (Bel-Air actor), Olamide Olowe (CEO of Topicals),
and more.
We also create content and media campaigns with notable brands to amplify
diverse communities -- brands such as HBO, WhatsApp, and more.
AfroTech calls it the "rapidly growing space that showcases and connects
We call it a space like no other.
To continue fostering a space and platform for our
people & their stories that aren't typically seen or heard enough.
To build a space that highlights the unique paths we aren’t accustomed to.
To diminish the constant societal pressure to pursue a traditional career path.
Overall, to emphasize the importance of diverse representation,
fulfilling your purpose, and following your passions
regardless of what anyone says.